March 16, 2016

10 Ways NVIDIA is Making VR a Reality

My first impression of virtual reality was back in the early 1990s, in a pod playing Dactyl Nightmare in a Dave & Busters restaurant. It was less compelling by today’s standards, but enough to hook me and a whole generation of future engineers and ...
March 15, 2016

SONIC the Hedgehog Spins on to SHIELD

My kids are gamers, just not hardcore gamers. Their idea of gaming is tapping a tablet screen a few times a second as they slice piles of fruit. But come on, that’s not gaming. Real gaming is feeling the game controller in your hand, and hearing the ...
March 15, 2016

GDC 2016: Unity Game Engine to Add VRWorks Support

NVIDIA’s VR momentum took another leap forward at the Game Developers Conference, held in San Francisco this week, when Unity Technologies announced that it will be adding support for NVIDIA VRWorks, including VR SLI and Multi-res Shading, to the ...
March 15, 2016

SEGA and Warner Bros. Join NVIDIA SHIELD on GeForce NOW

Two more top game publishers will be streaming their titles on NVIDIA SHIELD with GeForce NOW, bringing the total number of PC games available to stream on our Android TV device to 100. SEGA and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will add a ...

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